- 2018.03.03[Sat]
【お詫び】"ANIME MATSURI" cancellation / "ANIME MATSURI" 出演キャンセルのお知らせ
Thank you, beloved agents for always supporting FEMM.
We had to make the difficult decision to cancel FEMM’s participation in "ANIME MATSURI" which was scheduled from March 31st in Huston, Texas.
We received messages from our agents, and after deep consideration we reached our decision to cancel.
To those of you who were looking forward to FEMM’s appearance, we sincerely apologize for any disappointment or inconvenience this has caused.
We hope our agents will continue to support FEMM.
この度は、FEMMは3/31より予定をされておりました、USA テキサス州にて開催される"ANIME MATSURI" への出演をキャンセルさせていただくこととなりました。
今回"ANIME MATSURI"へのFEMM出演を楽しみにして下さっていた皆様に、ご迷惑、ご心配をおかけしまして誠に申し訳ございません。
FEMM's Agency Syndicate より
We had to make the difficult decision to cancel FEMM’s participation in "ANIME MATSURI" which was scheduled from March 31st in Huston, Texas.
We received messages from our agents, and after deep consideration we reached our decision to cancel.
To those of you who were looking forward to FEMM’s appearance, we sincerely apologize for any disappointment or inconvenience this has caused.
We hope our agents will continue to support FEMM.
この度は、FEMMは3/31より予定をされておりました、USA テキサス州にて開催される"ANIME MATSURI" への出演をキャンセルさせていただくこととなりました。
今回"ANIME MATSURI"へのFEMM出演を楽しみにして下さっていた皆様に、ご迷惑、ご心配をおかけしまして誠に申し訳ございません。
FEMM's Agency Syndicate より